API Documentation: Get list of orders

API Documentation: Get list of orders


This API allows customers to verify which orders already exist on SolBox. The endpoint accepts a list of orders which you can also see its manifest.

Authentication Endpoint

Before accessing other API endpoints, you must authenticate using the following endpoint:

POST https://live.solbox.it/API/Auth/Login

Request Body

The request body should include the following fields in x-www-form-urlencoded format:

Your account name for SolBox.
Your username for SolBox.
Your password for SolBox.
The API key associated with your account.


On successful authentication, you will receive a bearer token to use for subsequent API calls.

Example Response
"role": "user",
"isRepairer": false,
"onBoardingCompleted": true,
"inactiveDays": 0,
"inActive": false,
"trialPeriod": false,
"locale": "en-AU"

Order List Endpoint

After authenticating, you can retrieve and filter orders using the following endpoint:

POST https://live.solbox.it/API/v2/Order/OrderList

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object to specify filters for retrieving orders:

onlyShowTodaysOrdersIntegerShow only today's orders (1) or not (0).
loadOrdersBetweenDatesIntegerLoad orders within a date range (1) or not (0).
loadOrdersEndDateStringEnd date for filtering orders (YYYY-MM-DD).
loadOrdersStartDateStringStart date for filtering orders (YYYY-MM-DD).
loadOrdersModifiedAfterStringLoad orders modified after this timestamp.
excludeManifestOrdersIntegerExclude manifest orders (1) or not (0).
excludeUnattachedOrdersIntegerExclude unattached orders (1) or not (0).
loadPickupOrdersIntegerLoad pickup orders (1) or not (0).
loadDeliveryOrdersIntegerLoad delivery orders (1) or not (0).
loadServiceOrdersIntegerLoad service orders (1) or not (0).
loadPendingOrdersIntegerLoad pending orders (1) or not (0).
loadDeliveringOrdersIntegerLoad delivering orders (1) or not (0).
loadDeliveredOrdersIntegerLoad delivered orders (1) or not (0).
loadCancelledOrdersIntegerLoad canceled orders (1) or not (0).
startIntegerPagination start index.
lenIntegerNumber of records to retrieve.


"onlyShowTodaysOrders": 0,
"loadOrdersBetweenDates": 1,
"loadOrdersEndDate": "2025-01-13",
"loadOrdersStartDate": "2025-01-13",
"loadOrdersModifiedAfter": "2025-01-12 19:00:00",
"excludeManifestOrders": 0,
"excludeUnattachedOrders": 0,
"loadPickupOrders": 1,
"loadDeliveryOrders": 1,
"loadServiceOrders": 1,
"loadPendingOrders": 1,
"loadDeliveringOrders": 1,
"loadDeliveredOrders": 1,
"loadCancelledOrders": 1,
"start": 0,
"len": 100


The response will include the filtered list of orders and their details.

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