Load Configuration

Load Configuration

Load configuration helps with tracking and tallying inventory and involves two main components.

Load Types

Specifies the kinds of loads, such as cartons, pallets, boxes or kegs, which can be customised based on available resources and their quantities.
The initial quantity of each load is set by the admin. The quantity will be updated in real-time as the driver makes deductions or additions on the app.

Load Options

Specifies the actions drivers can take, such as adding or removing specific load types. These actions can be applied to pickups, deliveries, pickup-delivery, or for all.
Options will appear on the app for the drivers to take action. These options allow the driver to add to or deduct from the quantity of a given load type.

To activate this feature:

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
  2. Select the Load Configuration tab at the top.
  3. Tick the checkbox next to Enable Load Tracking.

Adding or editing a Load Type

To edit an existing Load Type, click on the pen icon next to the Load Type.

To add a new Load Type:

1. Click the Add Load Type button at the bottom of the Load Types section.

2. A pop-up will appear:
  1. Enter the Name of the load type (e.g., "Kegs").
  2. Enter the Initial Quantity for the load type.
  3. Tick the box for Show on tables if you want this load type displayed.
3. Click Save to confirm.

The added or amended load type and quantity will appear under the Load Types section.

Adding or editing a Load Option

To edit an existing Load Option, click on the pen icon next to the Load Option.

To add a new Load Option:

1. Click the Add Load Option button at the bottom of the Load Options section.

2. A pop-up will appear:
  1. Enter the Name of the load option (e.g., "Added To Vehicle").

  1. Select which types of orders this will appear on from the Visible in orders dropdown (e.g., "Everywhere," "Pickup," "Delivery," etc.).

  1. Choose whether this option will add to or deduct from the inventory using the Calculation dropdown.

3. Click Save to confirm your changes.

The added or amended Load Option will appear under the Load Options section.

Adding Load Types to an order

1. Navigate to Orders menu and select the order where Load Types will be added.

2. Click the Additional tab at the top.
3. In the Load Types section, set the quantity for the desired load type (e.g., enter "10" for Cartons Added To Vehicle).
4. Click Save changes.

Accessing Load Configuration on the Driver App

Depending on the load options set up on the platform, drivers can update the inventory by adding or removing load types directly. This enables real-time adjustments to their load configuration during pickups or deliveries.
Drivers can amend the quantities of Load Types only after the run has started. If the run has not yet started, the quantities will be visible but cannot be changed.

1. Open the specific order on the app.
2. Scroll down and tap Load Configuration.

Updating Load Quantities on the Driver App

1. On the Load Configuration screen, enter the desired value in the respective field
(e.g., "Cartons - Unloaded" entered as a deduction, "Cartons - Added To Vehicle" entered as an addition).
2. Review the changes shown in green (e.g., "-5" indicates a deduction).
3. Tap Save to confirm the adjustments. 

After the driver finishes the run, the quantity of the Load Type on the platform will be updated to reflect the changes. Before the run, the quantity of the Cartons Load Type is 300. After completion, the platform automatically updates the quantity to 295.

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