Step 4: Check for a larger app issue
Force stop and re-open the app
You can usually force stop an app through your phone’s Settings app.
Alternatively, swipe up to close the app and re-open again.
Clear data/Clear cache
The temporary files stored in the app cache will be removed.
Open "Settings" on your Android device and tap "Apps"
Select into "SmartMove Live Optimize" app from the App list then select "Storage".
Tap "Clear data" or "Clear cache"
The way to clear the cache or data used by SmartMove Live Optimize app on your iPhone. You can control the storage that the app use from Settings -> Data and Storage Usage -> Storage Usage.
To clear the cache from third-party apps: Navigate to the app within the iOS Settings app and toggle Reset cached content. If an app doesn't have a cache clearing option: Delete and reinstall the app.
Uninstall & re-install the app
Uninstall the app on your phone. Click "Uninstall"
It is important to allow the app to access your location and camera.
Step 5: Report a problem
Report a problem via the app
To help us investigate the issue, you can contact our team within the app.
Click the "Online" icon on the top right.

Note: If you don't have internet, you can click the "Offline" icon to report a problem. Your report will be sent when the data is back on.
Click "REPORT A PROBLEM" button. You can write the problem details in the box and click "SEND"
Click "OK"
Report a problem via email
If you have any issue or want to get in touch, please log a ticket by emailing